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This site is a demonstration of the power of Joomla content management system. Users who comes on this site are interested on computer software, in particular on free software Joomla.

On this site there is also a component of Joomla named "Alexandria Book Library". This component allow users to manage their own book library or a bookshop.

Our offering for advertising in this site is:

  • "Standard" advertising: you can send us banners in standard formats (728x90, 160x600, etc...) that fits on positions you see in the site (left menu, top, bottom, into pages, etc...)
  • Personalized advertising: we can work together to insert banners with formats you want

We can offer also consulting and design of banners if you don't have ones.

We can work with you to advertise the world for your Company and your products!

Contact us for pricing and further details by compiling the form below